The Microsoft Flight Simulator France and Benelux update is available now.Microsoft has been showing the next Microsoft Flight Simulator and one of the things the company, along with Asobo, has been telling us is that they are going to stream the geo data to our computers.

This follows a series of other fun designs Microsoft has promoted in contests recently, including a refrigerator that looks like an Xbox Series X (and the mini fridges it will soon make). While this desktop may not play the game at its highest settings, it will likely look at home in diehard fans' setups, which often include a realistic flight stick/HOTAS setup, pedals and multiple monitors to recreate flying as realistically as possible. Microsoft also hasn't said how long the giveaway will last. To take part, you need to retweet the tweet, follow the FR account and comment with the hashtag #MicrosoftFlightSimulator. It is unclear if the contest is limited to users in France. It would be cool if that front jet engine fan provided some serious airflow, but that would be a bit much-and probably dangerous. That motherboard is full-ATX, but it appears that the build is the size of a standard mid-tower, with most of the jet engine look simply being decorative. One other thing to note is that from the images, the build appears to be massive. Our testing has shown the game stressing top-end parts, especially at higher settings and resolutions. That sounds like a fairly powerful rig, though it may not actually max out the game. The PC includes an Intel Core i7-11700K, Gigabyte Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 (no mention of which specific model, though) and a Z590 Aorus Elite AX motherboard.